Academic Interventions: Students can be placed into academic interventions in reading, writing, and math. This is based upon their performance on district assessments, classroom common assessments, and teacher recommendation. During the intervention, students will work on identified skill areas. Letters are sent to parents when students are scheduled.
Reading, Math, or Writing Tutoring 2.0: These tutoring classes are taught by grade level core teachers and are not graded. They take place in a small group setting (3-7 students) during Academy. The focus of these tutoring sections is to help students in specific content areas, which will hopefully translate into more success in the classroom.
Reading, Math, or Writing Tutoring 3.0: These are more intensive interventions taught by licensed interventionists and are not graded. They take place in a smaller group setting (1-4 students) during Encore times. These interventions are designed to close specific skill gaps in the designated content area.
Academic Support Interventions: Students can be referred to a small group study hall during their Encore or Academy time based upon their needs.
Directed Study Hall: Students are assigned to this study hall which is held during academy time and is designed to give students a small group quiet study space. Typically this study hall is run by a core teacher.
Encore Study Hall: Students are assigned to this study hall which is held during Encore times and is designed to teach students self-monitoring and self-managment skills. Students also have time to complete coursework.